Innovx Achievements Testimonials STARTUPS 2021 cohort

We are happy to announce that the winners of the InnovX BCR Startups Demo Day “Status 2021” are….

1️⃣ First Place - Kinderpedia

2️⃣ Second Place - WeavAir

3️⃣ Third Place - eCollect

4️⃣ Fourth Place - Invoice Cash Group

5️⃣ Fifth Place - IRIS Solutions

Congratulations to our winners and to all the participants for their hard work and dedication!!

Let’s see what the STARTUPS 2021 cohort has to say about the Accelerator:

  1. Kinderpedia – Joining the InnovX Accelerator has been a valuable experience for the Kinderpedia team. The acceleration programme has been structured and intense, however, we always felt we had all the support needed to meet the deadlines and make progress. I would recommend it to any startup aiming to build a sustainable path for growth, along strong, committed partners.

  2. eCollect – Great experience and very inspirational speakers who gave us insightful workshops and useful tools. Thank you, InnovX!

  3. Hio – InnovX is one of the most comprehensive accelerator from Romania with a very balanced program, with great team and top mentors. The whole program helps you to improve your business on all levels.

  4. KidsFinance – After having been through a couple of incubation and acceleration programs with our project, we believe InnovX to be one of the most intensive and structured out there. Going by a clear framework (Disciplined Entrepreneurship) helps create and sediment a strategy and materials that can be reusable in many contexts. Overall, especially for a FinTech solution, the opportunity to get feedback from one of the largest banks in the market is a big plus that is not found in regular generic business incubators.

  5. Carter – From the first contact and throughout the acceleration period Innovx gave me the impression at all times that it is a extremely well thought out accelerator and with carefully selected experts to be able to fully help the participants. Personally, I can say that I have learned and evolved enormously with the Innovx team, both me and the company that represents it, we rediscovered together the strengths but also the weaknesses of the company, mechanisms through which we managed to correct ourselves, or to be able to analyze our company correctly. As if these were not enough, together we made the detailed business plan and we will apply together for European funding. That being said I definitely recommend the Innovx experience to any company both new and old that proposes to exceed its limits.

  6. IRIS Solutions – For us, the members of Iris Solutions team to be part of Innovx-BCR Bootcamp was a great pleasure and opportunity. We met really great professionals who gave us different perspective of the way to develop our compnay and who helped as to improve our business and technical skills. The InnovX-BCR Bootcamp was the place where we met also inspired young people, who we hope we will continue to meet in our journey. Specials thanks to whole team of InnovX for the amazing support and inspiration!

  7. 2Value – Amazing! Thank you for a wonderful start in business, with true proffesionals and a very well organized program. I highly recommend it.

  8. Invoice Cash Group – InnovX incubator has been essential for Invoice Cash Group in redefining its strategy. The mentors and guest speakers have offered valuable advice and they help us every time we turned to them with questions. We can’t stress enough how valuable this experience was in regards to networking and having access to this amazing ecosystem. We highly recommend participating in a startup incubator like InnovX.